The difference between React vs AngularJs
React and AngularJs are currently using Travel and News companies. Main reason difference between AngularJs and ReactJs is AngularJS 1. AngularJs is MVC framework library. It is used for Two-way data binding. 2. AngularJs is an App development framework. ReactJS 1. React Js is a Library. It is used for One-way data binding. 2. ReactJs is an interface development framework. AngualrJs is a Javascript Framework. Where we can add HTML tags with Scrip tag. It is a Library written in Javascript. AngularJs developed by GOOGLE. AngularJs similar to Backbone or JavascriptMVC. It is a complete solution for rapid development. Following are some Features of AngularJs. 1. REST Easy: RESTful action quick communication between server to the client. 2. Extends HTML: AngularJS extends HTML with ng-directives. The ng-app directive defines an AngularJS application. The ng-model directive binds the value of HTML controls (input, select, textarea) to application data. The ng-bi...