
Showing posts with the label C

CheckConcept: Tutorials Programme

CheckConcept: Tutorials Programme : "Loops Tutorials Example While Loop #include <stdio.h> int main() { int count; count = 0; while (count < 4) { printf('..."

Tutorials Programme

Loops Tutorials     Example While Loop #include <stdio.h> int main() { int count; count = 0; while (count < 4) { printf("The value of count is %d\n", count); count += 1; } return 0; } /* Result The value of count is 0 The value of count is 1 The value of count is 2 The value of count is 3 */

How we can add commnets in C?

Comments in C  Two types of comments. 1.  /*     */ 2.  // #include <stdio.h> /* This is a comment ignored by the compiler */ int main() /* This is another comment ignored by the compiler */ { printf("comments "); } //One Line Comments


IDENTIFIER Before you can do anything in any language, you must know how to name an identifier. An identifier is used for any variable, function, data definition, etc. In the C programming language, an identifier is a combination of alphanumeric characters, the first being a letter of the alphabet or an underline, and the remaining being any letter of the alphabet, any numeric digit, or the underline. KEYWORDS There are 32 words defined as keywords in C. These have predefined uses and cannot be used for any other purpose in a C program. They are used by the compiler as an aid to compiling the program. They are always written in lower case. A complete list follows; auto           double      int             struct break        else          long           switch case    ...

Class and Object

What’s a Class ?

Managed Code & Unmanaged Code

What is Managed Code? Managed Code runs inside the CLR. Means Whatever your are using inside the CLR that is Managed Code and whatever you are using from the third party that is Called Unmanaged Code. Example Managed Code   C#, VB.NET, J# Example Unmanaged Code VB,C,C++

What is a diffrent between C and C++

C is not Object Oriented but C++ is Object Oriented Language.

Prime Number Programe in C++

Prime Number 

What is C?

C is a Programming Language. It is Buile in Language. A tool called a compiler is then used to convert the high-level code into machine language. A program can be written in C and compiled for any computer, it's up to the compiler to get the hardware-specific instructions right. To see just how readable C is compared to Assembly language, take a look at the following tiny program written in each: Example 1-1. C vs. Assembly language