ReactJs Top Hooks List

 In today article we are going to show you some reactjs hooks which can help you to increase your reactjs knowledge. 

What is hooks?

Hooks are a new addition in React 16.8.  It allows you to use state and other React features without writing a class. Hooks are the functions which "hook into" React state and lifecycle features from function components.

Following are some hooks which are most useful for you

1. useState Hook 

React useState() is a built in hooks or function which comes with React library. When you want to use “useState” you need to first import in your application using following code sample.  useState() only work with functional components. This will not work with Class components in React.

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2. useEffect Hook

The useEffect() hook allows us to run side effects on your functional components. Side effects is a general concept about how functions behave which are not predictable. A function is supposed to have side effects when it tries to change something outside of its body. useEffect() also can perform data fetching side-effect using API.

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3. useContext Hook

In simple definition react context is use to handle state globally without using or pass any props in the components. Lets understand why and how we can use “useContext()” hook in our program.

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4. useQuery Hook

React Query provides us with custom hooks like “useQuery” for retrieving data. Under the hood, these hooks do a lot of things such as caching data after initial retrieval, fetching data in the background, etc.

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